Guiding you through the key stages of life, death and after death with compassion, hope and love.
— Bron Gowty


Bron feels passionately towards supporting all stages of life, death and after the death.

Offering support and care for individuals through various life stages is Bron's expertise. Whether you need assistance in developing a stronger sense of self-belief, building relationships, or understanding your social and emotional development, Bron tailors her support to your specific needs.

However, Bron's commitment extends beyond general well-being.

She specializes in providing compassionate care to individuals nearing the end of their lives. Drawing from her personal experiences supporting loved ones and her professional expertise, she understands the profound challenges and emotions that accompany every stage of life.

In her role as a practitioner, Bron becomes a beacon of comfort, hope, and faith for those facing life's most profound transitions. She utilizes her toolbox of skills and lived experiences to cultivate a profound sense of connection and compassion with her clients, whether in clinical settings or by their bedside.

Recognizing that end-of-life care encompasses more than just physical support, Bron offers practical and compassionate guidance to address emotional and spiritual needs. Whether individuals are grappling with terminal diagnoses, navigating life's uncertainties, or experiencing profound loss, Bron is there to provide tailored support every step of the way. She creates a safe and welcoming environment, serving as a vital source of solace during this poignant phase of life.



supporting grief and loss

throughout life


During times of unexpected change, we can experience grief and loss. Loss can be caused through: the breakdown of a relationship, the death of a loved one or unemployment. Grief is a natural and normal response to loss and can be felt physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.

What’s important is how we react to the loss in order to assist a move through the stages of grief so we can resume life living with the lose we have experienced.


If you are a carer for someone who needs your physical and emotional support, make sure you take time to look after yourself.

Make an appointment to support self-care needs during times of grief and loss. It’s important you have the energy to look after your loved one with compassion and love, while looking after yourself.
