5 Tips To Reduce Stress In Your Life

Stress is created when external forces interact with our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual aspect.

Pain, fear and stress keep us repeating the same old patterns of behavior and thinking.


95% of our day operates through our subconscious part of the brain. That means, 95% of our daily behaviors and thinking occur without our conscious awareness. They are often repeats of previous experiences. Those experiences may have been positive or negative, productive or useless outcomes at that time. For change to occur we need to consciously make that effort to change. An awareness of the emotions we are feeling and want to replace and those we wish to feel can be a great start towards reducing stress in our lives.

Here are some quick tips to help reduce stress:

  • Get out of your head - consider the environment around you. Consciously be aware of the visual, audible and kinesethic aspects in the environment that surrounds you.

  • Re-frame - take the time to consider the language running through your head and change the dialogue. Be aware of repeated statements that limit your ability to have-a-go and achieve success.

  • Try something new - when we are in a new situation and/or applying a new skill, new neuro-pathways are activated allowing for a change from the old repeated ways to the new improved outcomes.

  • Find your passion - when you are passionate about something your intuition, heart and soul awakens. Becoming totally immersed in your passion can be extremely recharging and invigorating. You are often applying creative problem solving skills, letting your imagination come alive and it can work as an escape from the daily grind.

  • Breathe in...Breathe out - the power of our breath is often unrecognized. When was the last time you thanked your breath and lungs for keeping you alive? Consider the immediate stress, then consider what you could replace that stress with.

'Breathe in ...... love, harmony, friendship (include your own)

'Breathe out.... stress, worry, concern (include your own)

You can also show the in and out motion by involving your hands and arms to gesture the inhale and then the release of the stress.

Written by Bron Gowty

For more information about grief and loss, send Bron an email.


Bron offers support towards building emotional resilience, self-belief and positive relationships.

Bron Gowty