3 priorities Empowering self-belief, emotional resilience and positive relationships.

Underpinning the social and emotional program is the ultimate promotion of love, love for ourselves and love for others.

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It is hoped the skills developed will foster an awareness towards a greater love which will enhance all of our lives.

I have developed and trailed this social and emotional program in many different settings. After more than 20 years as a teacher and now 3 years in a clinic setting as a kinesiologist, I have identified the skills people need to enhance their fulfilled life. I believe the set of skills identified, need to be explicitly taught, transferred and applied everyday for us to be confident resilient people who initiate and maintain positive relationships. These skills were initially thought to support children but as time has shown me, adults also require an in-depth focus to enhance their lives.


·         Confident

·         Sense of purpose

·         Perseverance & Optimism

·         Self-worth

The first pillar, BELIEF, which is the basis of the program, allows for a focus on ourselves. Taking time to analysis who we are and how we perceive ourselves, allows for honest and authentic reflection. Much of my research suggests the need to hold ourselves in higher esteem than we currently do. Encouraging a sense of self-worth, can support a mindset which support perseverance and optimism. In the past, I worked to develop emotional resilience in children. On reflection, I was hearing the lack the worth being displaying through self-talk such as ‘Why would I do that? I’m not worth it? I can never do that?. I believe an increase in self-belief will support the application of resilient skills.

As time has progressed, I have been most surprised to see this is also a concern for adults. When faced with challenging situations, adults struggle to see the power in placing themselves as a priority. We all need to show a level of confidence to persevere through adversity, something I hope to see an increase in value towards.


·         Emotional awareness

·         Interpersonal skills

·         Regulate and adapt to emotional experiences

Following the passing of my Mum recently, I was witnessing first-hand people’s fear to acknowledge emotions. It saddened me to hear people were not comfortable around crying so avoided sharing condolences or offer support. As a friend once said to me ‘emotions are the language of the heart’, so let our hearts be heard!

Once a sense of self-belief has been developed, focusing on RESILIENCE allows people to see the worth in apply resilient behaviors. Understanding the emotions which surround us, can help develop an awareness of appropriate responses for different situations.

To be able to acknowledge and regulate emotions, through monitoring interpersonal skills,  people can better adapt to situations which require emotional responses. This can be a particular focus when an emotional response may not be displayed regularly. We should  encourage people to welcome a feeling of uncertainty when addressing why they are feeling a particular way. Through life, we need to be emotionally aware of our emotions and those displayed by others in order to fulfill positive relationships.


·         Initiate and maintain positive relationships

·         Resolve conflict

·         Connectedness

·         Empathic

·         Compassionate

·         Respect

The final pillar, encompassing all previous learning, encourages people to apply the skills for positive RELATIONSHIPS. Optimally, the relationships which surround us, offer a significant contribution to the fulfilled lives we wish to lead. Recognising we ‘only have control over our actions and emotions’, people are encouraged to apply the learned skills to initiate and maintain positive relationships with everyone. Conflict does occur but understanding the potential of what may be occurring, how they contribute and/or potentially reduce conflict, allows the application of skills which will support a positive outcome. Feeling connected to others means we must show a level of empathy, compassion and respect in many different situations. Investigating what that might involve, brings together all the skills previously studied.

If there is one necessary understanding we can all takeaway from life it is that offering social and emotional skills transcend any occupation, skill set or job description. We must  ensure effective interaction with people to attain the success we ultimately hope to achieve. For the adults who surround us, getting to know ourselves can offer new insights, different actions while promoting positive relationships for a better world.

Through her book, A Return to Love author Marianne Williamson (Pg 21) states ‘we can hardly image a world in which all of us are in love, all the time with everyone. There would be no wars because there would be no fighting. No hunger, no environmental breakdown, no prejudice, oppression or violence. No sorrow just PEACE.’ Applying self-worth to be emotionally resilient in our positive relationships, has to help us step forward to ultimate peace, even if it’s just a little step. 


‘A Return to Love; Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles’ (1992) Marianne Williamson

‘Braving the Wilderness’ (2017) Brene Brown

Bron Gowty is an end of life guide and kinesiologist who has been working with children for more than 20 years.

For more information make an inquiry through this website www.brongowty.com.au