4 ways crystals support emotional development.

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For centuries, various cultures have appreciated the value of crystals and their healing properties.

Crystals offer support to adults as well as children particularly when dealing with social and emotional experiences. As much as we hope to eliminate emotional turmoil for children, it is inevitable, such experiences do affect children and adults. As life goes, these experiences offer a great opportunity for learning and developing though it may be necessary to seek support tools as we move through these times.

Crystals offer intrigue; they have a mythological quality about them, enhanced by their mystery and witchcraft nature. Children love crystals and they are intrigued by their magical powers. More open to the unknown, children willingly accept outcomes without requiring the detail adults seek. They are naturally drawn to the many colors, the smooth feel of the polished tumble stones and unknowingly the healing qualities the one offers. Once introduced to crystals, children can be seen sharing their crystals with their teddy bears during an afternoon tea party or displaying them in color order around the room. Carrying them in your pocket for the day or placing it under the pillow at night, everyone can benefit from having crystals in their life.

As humans, we effortlessly operate with energetic forces in and around us. The organs in our body function using an energy flow, we are able to sustain life on this planet through energetic fields, and according the Chinese philosophy we have energy meridians within and surrounding our body that support healing and remove dis-ease. Crystals operate on their own vibrating frequency. Their subtle energy can offer great insight and perspective. Coming for the earth, each stone offers its own unique frequency which supports a variety of healing qualities. Depending on the stone, some crystals are stronger than others and children easily feel this. Their raw beauty attracts children and when left to their own devices, they often select the crystal that best supports their development, at that specific time.


CALMING: Children are active and they often find it difficult to calm during times of peace and relaxation. Crystals can help children naturally calm down. When holding a crystal, their focus towards the calming beauty of the crystal in their hands, allows for the body to naturally slow down and enjoy a peaceful, calming time. The specific crystals which offer a calming sensation include: Amethysts, Rose Quartz, Hemetite, Sodalite, Agate,

CONCENTRATION: Children are easily distracted in class and in focused areas. With electronic devices surrounding them, the need to be constantly activity can hinder their ability to focus on just one task at a time. It is not productive to be able to multi-task. We are more productive when focusing on one outcome at a time. Crystals which assist concentration include: Amethyst,

FEELING SAFE AND PROTECTED: Either at school or home life, children can benefit from the added support of feeling protected and safe which can be offered from crystals. Weather children are carrying them in their pocket or place them on a shelf, specific crystals can assist with these feelings. Crystals can transmute the negative emotions of anxiety or concern to bring a level of comfort to anyone who comes in contact with them. Crystals which support this feeling include: Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline,

CONFIDENT: When we need to enhance our self-belief and confidence, carrying a crystal can help. Their subtle energy assists the body to flow in harmony and enhance the belief in ourselves which may be hindered due to other circumstances. The crystals which best support confidence include: Hemetite, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Citrine, Rose Quartz,

Bron Gowty is an end of life guide and kinesiologist who has been working with children for more than 20 years. She has a passion for supporting social and emotional development in schools and in a clinic setting.

For more information make en inquiry through this website www.brongowty.com.au